Bueno, ya lo tengo, pero como les dije, hasta la noche (00hs aprox) que llegue a casa no lo puedo poner en la mula.
El rls de NBS fué nukeado y ya hay un proper de CTU
date: Thu Oct 12 2006
Proper reason:
NBS release has a massive drop @ approximately 19:59 into the episode
resulting in approximately 22 seconds of missed dialogue. Included is a
sample of this massive drop so you see it with your own eyes... truly a
sight to behold. NBS left off the opening 5 seconds of the intro to the
show as well. Enjoy this proper w/the missing scenes!
Por suerte, el rls de XOR está bien de bien. (o al menos eso parece) =)
Bueno, seguiremos en contacto. No se "pierdan".