Los amplificadores de instrumentos, en este caso, de guitarra, son algo distinto a lo que uno se puede imaginar dada la vida cotidiana. Estamos acostumbrados a los "amplificadores de alta fidelidad", es decir, a aquellos que no modifican el sonido de la fuente o lo modifican muy poco. Es así como diremos que el amplificador de nuestra casa es mejor, si es que el sonido es "más limpio". No queremos, en absoluto, que nuestra máquina modifique el sonido que traemos en nuestro cd, mp3 o cuando lo conectamos a la compu.
En los amplificadores de guitarra esto simplemente no es así: El amplificador es parte de la cadena de composición del sonido que queremos. Es así como podemos tener que una guitarra suena totalmente distinta puesta en un amplificador que en otro. Y no es porque uno sea "mejor" y otro "peor". Simplemente, tal o cuál carácter es buscado como efecto en un sonido que podemos querer.
Esta tendencia partió en los años 30 en los que las guitarras se amplificaban con equipos de radio. De ellí el típico sonido metálico destartalado de algunas canciones que se recuerdan. En los años 70 hubo un auténtico boom de las distoriones. Los fabricantes diseñaban los equipos con series de preamplificadores en cascada buscando cada vez más distorsión. Entre todo este mundo, ciertos sonidos pasaron a la historia. Son muy recordados y usados actualmente en la música popular. Las máquinas (equipos electrónicos) que los hicieron devinieron en "clásicos" que hoy en día alcanzan precios astronómicos.
Hay amplificadores o series o marcas que se han hecho famosas con el tiempo y son muy caros (los buenos, hay series baratas que no mueven el pelo a nadie y, valen muy poco). Un buen Marshall, como el JTM-800 puede rondar los dos mil dólares.
En el último tiempo, han salido softwares que modelan de manera muy fiel estos amplficadores. Destaco esto de "fiel" pues, lo es tanto, que ya muchos artistas famosos graban con estos softwares conectados a la cadena de sonido en lugar de los amplificadores reales. De hecho, el software ha ido aún más allá. No se modela simplemente el amplificador sino que toda la cadena (el "rig") que va desde la guitarra a la amplificación de potencia lineal. En esto tenemos, por ejemplo, el afinador, el preamplficador, la etapa de potencia, las cajas de parlantes, los micrófonos con que son tomados, la sala (que implica rebotes en las paredes), efectos (como flanger, chorus, distorsión (extra), pitch), compresiones y un largo etcétera. Todo esto es algo muy tomado en cuenta por los profesionales. Son factores que alteran el sonido de una forma muy perceptible y es bueno que, incluso el neófito, esté al tanto de ello. Aún si quieres sólo sacar los punteos de tu guitarrista favorito en casa ahora tienes la oportunidad de hacerlo realmente bien.
En pocas palabras, con este software, podrás hacer que tu guitarra suene como la de los grandes haciendo que tu compu sea un "efecto".
Sin más, vamos a lo bueno.
AmpliTube 3. The New King of Tone.
More Gear. More Feel. More Power. More Tone.

There’s a new king in tone, and its name is AmpliTube 3. A massive upgrade of the leading guitar and bass tone gear modeling software, AmpliTube 3 raises the industry standard of sound variety, realism and creative power. If your recording or playing “rig” is lacking in that rich, lush expressive analog warmth, then you need to check it out. With over 160 precisely modeled pieces of vintage and modern gear available in one package, AmpliTube 3 is the ultimate tone gear collection for the player/producer/engineer suffering from tone angst.
AmpliTube 3 gives you more.
More Gear — Infinite Combinations.
AmpliTube 3 contains over 160 pieces of gear, more than double the amount of other packages, including models from the most sought-after vintage collections and modern day workhorses. You’ll get 51 individual stompboxes and effects, 31 amplifier preamp & power sections, 46 speaker cabinet models, 15 high end stage and studio mics, and 17 post amp rack effects. Plus, with the new AmpliTube 3 open architecture, you can add more packages as you need them, like AmpliTube Fender™ and Ampeg® SVX.
More Feel — True Dynamic Response.
AmpliTube 3 gear models give you THE most realistic playing feel — not just the tones — but the actual dynamic response of their hardware counterparts. Nothing comes closer to the feel and touch of playing through a real rig than AmpliTube 3. Plus, with IK’s proprietary VRM™ (Volumetric Response Modeling) technology, you can add ultra-accurate rotating speaker effects, free dual mic placement plus room ambience and response to custom craft your tone.
More Power — Creative Inspiration.
Face it — the better you sound, the better you play. AmpliTube 3 unleashes more creative power than ever, helping you to easily carve new, truly unique voicings for your guitar, bass, keyboard, drum and vocals. Our new creative effects let you create sounds you never heard before, and the new “drag & drop” effects configuration feature lets you quickly experiment with effects in the signal chain to get that totally unique sound.
More Tone — Every Sound you can Imagine.
AmpliTube 3 is the voice for your soul. With the largest collection of ultra-accurately modeled gear, creative effects and flexible routing features, you’ll never run out of sonic possibilities. Every sound you’ve heard, and ones you haven’t are here… your sound is in here.
Amplitube Fender.
AmpliTube Fender™ is the first and only official guitar/bass Amp and FX software suite made by IK Multimedia in cooperation with legendary music icon Fender® Musical Instruments Corporation.
With a collection of 49 pieces of gear collected from the most sought after classic and modern Fender® amps (including the '65 Twin Reverb®, '57 Deluxe™, ’59 Bassman® LTD, '64 Vibroverb® Custom, Super-Sonic™, Metalhead™ and many more), cabinets, stomp boxes and rack effects, AmpliTube Fender™ sets a new standard for software amplifiers.
From guitar to bass, from Country to Blues and Rock, Punk to Metal, whatever style you play, AmpliTube Fender™ is the only amp suite that gives you the world’s most influential guitar and bass tones right on your desktop.
- Standalone and plug-in software for all platforms
- 12 of the most influential guitar amps of all time
- 12 original matching cabinets
- 9 microphones
- 9 signature classic stomp effects
- 7 rack effects
- Incredible tonal flexibility: mix and match amps, cabinets, mics and more
- Sound-certified and approved by the tone gurus at Fender®
- 5 separate modules: Tuner, configurable Stomp pedal board, Amp head, Cabinet+Mic and Rack Effects
- 2 fully configurable rigs with up to 32 simultaneous effects
- Digital Tuner
- Standalone and VST/AU/RTAS plug-in
- Includes SpeedTrainer™
- Can be controlled live with StompIO™, StealthPedal™ and any traditional MIDI controller
- 400 presets included with more that can be downloaded online
- Powered by AmpliTube® with exclusive DSM™ (Dynamic Saturation Modeling) and VRM™ (Volumetric Response Modeling)
In the development of AmpliTube Fender™, IK Multimedia has taken an unprecedented approach to raise the bar of modeling accuracy in order to nail every sonic nuance of the included legendary Fender® gear. Every step in the development process has been constantly supervised and sound-certified, step-by-step, by the tone gurus at Fender® to ensure that the same quality process of real gear tone-testing has been strictly followed in the realization of AmpliTube Fender™.
Never before have you been able to get this close to the real thing on your desktop.
Native instruments: Guitar Rig 4
GUITAR RIG 4 PRO is the ultimate all-in-one guitar and bass solution for perfect custom tone. The powerful and intuitive software comprises of a vast array of amps, cabinets, mics and effects, recreated in stunning detail. The latest version includes 3 new amps, 4 new super-flexible effects and above all, the revolutionary Control Room for that “big bucks” studio tone.
The GUITAR RIG 4 PRO software offers 15 amazing guitar and bass amplifiers, modeled with the exacting precision of NATIVE INSTRUMENTS’ award-winning Dynamic Tube Response Technology®. Including the original multi-channel designs and model-specific tweaking options, these amps not only accurately convey the character, charm and feel of their real-world counterparts, but also offer a huge arsenal of tried-and-true tones for all genres. The included Matched Cabinets module offers a harmonized speaker setup for every single amp. It's easy to use yet super-flexible, providing you with classic sounds in seconds.